- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
15. Dezember 2019, 16:00 - 18:00
Der nächste Sprachentreff wird am Sonntag, den 15.12.2019 ab 16 Uhr in unserem Begegnungszentrum (Wetzlarer Platz 1, Seiteneingang im Blutspendenhaus) stattfinden.
===== English version =====
Hello dear language enthusiasts,
our next language meeting will take place on Sunday, the 15th of December at 4 pm in our community center (Wetzlarer Platz 1, side entrance of the blood donation house).
Like last time, we will start with German conversation for about 45 minutes and then change to other languages depending on your wishes and offers or continue the German conversation. For preparation and atmosphere it would be great, if you could bring along small texts (newspaper, book etc.) or games and perhaps some snacks. And if you know more interested people, just forward this information or bring them with you.
If you have any questions, please contact us via mail: refugees@iswi.org